What is your strategy, namely challenge?

One of the most fascinating books that I have ever read is Good Strategy, Bad Strategy” by Richard Rumelt which pinpoints the kernel of a great strategy. Identifying the challenge facing the organisation is a must-have exercise to draw the right course of action. Most managers, senior managers and executives confuse strategy with planning and […]

What is your focus?

If you are 100% focused on what greatly matters, the result will be certainly amazing. A little distraction weakens your position. Some people are good multitaskers. Is their final product outstanding or mediocre? This is the question that measures their output. The best strategy is focus. Are you focused on what matters?  

Mechanical or leaderly

Most companies chat and chant about their transformational strategies and dynamic workplaces. Most HR directors and managers keep busy implementing the changes. The outcomes are always slogans that remain unactionable, no matter how the HR and OD fleets push. They always get the same results. As a result, change does not happen and frustration prevails. […]

To succeed, disregard people’s opinions.

What they think of me. What will they think of me if I do this or that. What if I have done something wrong and they laugh at me. Can I stop you for a second to tell you two fundamental facts that you should seriously consider and think of? The watchers on the bench […]